This is a 24-episode anime series that I truly had a good time watching. It`s one of the best from CLAMP. It is about a guy, Watanuki, who has the ability to see spirits and other supernatural beings. He comes by to this shop, unexpectedly, where your wish will be granted but it comes with a price depending on the kind of wish. The owner, Yuuko, tells him that she could get rid of Watanuki:s ability but he must work for her first. This is where the story starts rolling.
The story is supposed to be of horror/supernatural genre but it has a lot of humor in it that you get a lot of laughs and never even the slightest hint of goosebumps! Don`t get me wrong. This anime is far from being lame. Although, don`t expect for a deeper plot in it because (I`m sorry to burst your bubble!) there`s none. It`s the kind of anime to watch when you don`t have anything else to do. It`s something to get you out of that boredom state.
I love watching this anime since you get to learn a lot from it about Japanese culture and the different supernatural stuff they believe in. You get to understand a lot of things in this anime.
I came across this when I was watching a video of Jun Fukuyama in youtube doing a live dubbing of his character, Watanuki. I was interested after seeing it. I`ve read one chapter of this manga way back but after seeing Jun, it got me motivated to watch the wole series. Jun has a different kind of voice in this anime and it was fun!
Well, if you`re bored... don`t forget to watch this anime!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
100% Perfect Girl -Royal Drama

This manga started when a prince fell in love with an ordinary girl. Yeah, the usual. Everybody thinks that the girl was very plain and, indeed, she is. It was all a dream-come-true kind of thing at first but everything turned sour, topsy-turvy and totally chaotic. With all those mafia stuff and revenge schemes in it, why won`t it be that chaotic? Their love was plunged into a hurricane of unfortunate events. Everything gets worse and worse.
I hate this manga for having too much tragedy brought into it. I`m hooked with it since I already got this far and it annoys me. I also hate the fact that they are putting in a lot of effort to have some humorous scenes but believe me, they`re not good at it.
So while I`m out here sulking, wondering why I`m still reading it... Go find another manga to read!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A unique anime crossed my path -- Jyu Oh Sei!

The anime is about twins, Thor and Rai, which is set in the very far future. They were living at a space colony but were suddenly thrown to an unknown planet called Chimera where they struggle to survive.
I'm not going to tell much more than that because there would be a lot of spoilers. I just want you people to know the story as you watch it and understand it at the end since the whole story will only be understood when you get to watch the last 2 episodes of it.
I like this anime because of how unique it is. It's the major reason I decided to watch it. It was unexpectedly good and decent considering I didn't really expect much from it. There's one hell of a major twist by the end of the story that would make you say "WTF?!?!?" Let's just leave it at there. Yes, you got that right. I had that reaction because everything was really good and I don't know how I was supposed to react when everything was revealed at the end. There's a lot of good action scenes, some romance, camaraderie and the like. What I love about this anime was that while I was watching the first few episodes and listened to the seiyuu of the younger Thor/Rai, I was really thinking where I heard that certain voice actor. Well, it was Conan in Detective Conan. No wonder. I've been watching that anime like years ago and I liked it. The voice was so cute although in a different way, not in its usual "conan" way. There's also a great seiyuu in it that really got me searching whose deep voice owned it! It amazed me to know that it was Shun Oguri's voice! He's Hanazawa Rui from HYD and Sano Izumi from Hana Kimi. He only did like 4 anime dubbing in his career so it was a rare find -- very unexpected to hear his voice in this anime. Well, it's quite clear I love the seiyuus in this anime. :-)
Well, to conclude, if you want to kill time by watching a short anime which is worth it --then Jyu Oh Sei should be in your list. A decent anime to raise your interest about the future.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Skip Beat! Mania
I'm currently hooked with this manga, Skip Beat!, by Yoshiki Nakamura. I came across this manga right after the airing of its first episode. I thought it was interesting so I watched the it and I can't stop thinking about the whole story. It ended up with me reading the manga for 2 days. I think you get the picture of how this story really got me into it.
The story goes with this girl named Kyoko Mogami who left her hometown to go to the bustling city and live with her "boyfriend", or so she thought, Sho Fuwa. Sho was aspiring to become a famous star in the world of music. Kyoko, on the other hand, supported him with everything she has by working left and right for their living expenses because they were living together. At one point when the story just started, Kyoko overheard Sho's conversation with his manager and badmouthed her. Kyoko was full of rage upon hearing the conversation. She then decided to dive in to the world of show business without any inkling of an idea what it really is. Thus began her journey towards stardom and her dream of beating Sho in his very own stage.
This manga was actually made into an anime. Although it was the main reason why I read the manga but I stopped watching it and I did watch the last episode though to see at what part it would end. The manga is currently at the top of my list of must-read right now. The art is just amazing. That's where the anime disappointed me.
The manga centers on Kyoko and everything that she has been struggling personally in her love life and in her career as an actress as well. There are a lot of love interests as well so you could pick who you'd be rooting for. :-)
This manga is full of beautifully and neatly drawn characters in it. I love this manga because it's very unique and it doesn't entirely focus on love but when it does-- it's gonna be a roller coaster ride where you'd be hoping more and more of it!!!
The story goes with this girl named Kyoko Mogami who left her hometown to go to the bustling city and live with her "boyfriend", or so she thought, Sho Fuwa. Sho was aspiring to become a famous star in the world of music. Kyoko, on the other hand, supported him with everything she has by working left and right for their living expenses because they were living together. At one point when the story just started, Kyoko overheard Sho's conversation with his manager and badmouthed her. Kyoko was full of rage upon hearing the conversation. She then decided to dive in to the world of show business without any inkling of an idea what it really is. Thus began her journey towards stardom and her dream of beating Sho in his very own stage.
This manga was actually made into an anime. Although it was the main reason why I read the manga but I stopped watching it and I did watch the last episode though to see at what part it would end. The manga is currently at the top of my list of must-read right now. The art is just amazing. That's where the anime disappointed me.
The manga centers on Kyoko and everything that she has been struggling personally in her love life and in her career as an actress as well. There are a lot of love interests as well so you could pick who you'd be rooting for. :-)
This manga is full of beautifully and neatly drawn characters in it. I love this manga because it's very unique and it doesn't entirely focus on love but when it does-- it's gonna be a roller coaster ride where you'd be hoping more and more of it!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Still contemplating on Pandora Hearts...

Now, I'm still thinking if whether it was a good anime or not. Well, I would say everything really was great but they spoiled it at the end! I bet not one person is satisfied on how the anime ended. Although, everyone is longing for a 2nd season but there's still no official announcement so until then let's just cross our fingers because this anime series definitely needs another season!!!
Pandora Hearts is a quite complicated anime but let's just say that its a distorted version of "Alice in Wonderland"-- courtesy of a stranger who described the anime while I was watching it. It's about a boy named Oz Bezarius, a girl - Alice (also called B-Rabbit) and everything that revolves around these main characters. It's really hard to make a summary since I don't know where to start and I apologize for that.
The anime really didn't attract me at first since the art was only so-so when I tried watching the first 2 minutes of the 1st episode but when it was on its 13th episode, I decided to watch it and I got hooked. I'm glad I decided to watch it. It was really a great anime -- very unique one indeed. Week after week, it got me itchin' to watch more and more of it! That's how I loved this anime. It has all kinds of things in it. It has a good amount of humor in it that I get to laugh once in a while -- this is one funny anime, believe me. If there's an anime that could harmoniously blend humor, action, drama, mystery, thriller, fantasy and a little romance as well (but very very little)... IT WOULD DEFINITELY BE PANDORA HEARTS!!!
The plot and character development was very well-presented. You get to know the characters and understand them but there are a lot of, as I said earlier, mystery in this anime so you really look forward to the next episode but this anime actually has a manga and if you want huge spoilers -- start reading it. I tried reading it once but I decided I'll just watch the anime. I might reconsider and read it now that the anime has ended -- too bad. I actually wanted more action and wanted to know more about those mysteries but I guess there's really no other way but to read the manga. It's actually quite far already from where the anime ended.
This series has a very stellar cast of seiyuus in it. We get to hear from Jun Fukuyama (Lelouche's seiyuu) again as an antagonist. We also have Junko Minagawa, who voice-acted Ryoma Echizen from POT, as the protagonist, Oz. Kosuke Toriumi who played Gennosuke in Basilisk is also part of this anime. Lastly, we have Akira Ishida who was Gaara's seiyuu in Naruto as a very funny supporting character. The soundtrack though is not really very impressive for me but it was good.
Earlier, I mentioned about this anime not having much of the kind of art I'm looking for but it's actually more than I expected. It's actually a little above the average but there are times that it's just a little too rough and there are also times when you doubt if they actually worked hard on it. You just have to see to know what I'm talking about. It just seemed like they were in a hurry doing this anime.
So... what the hell are you waiting for?!?!??! Start watching this anime and feel my disappointment with the last episode!!!! wahahahahaha! LOL
HONESTLY, just go watch this anime. It's all worth it. You'll definitely be craving for more and praying, like me and all others, for a 2nd season! :-)
Now, I just finished contemplating and have decided that this anime was really great!!! Still hoping for that 2nd season to come!!!!
From now on, I'll start posting some manga reviews since I've been reading a lot of them for more than a year now and I can't seem to remember most of them because of the quantity.
I'll make it a habit to post a review--a short one for every manga that I read so I could look back and see how much I've been reading and what I've been reading this whole time. I'll also occasionally post some reviews of past mangas that I read since I really want to track those down because sometimes I just start reading this interesting manga and I would say, "Hey! I've already read this!" See what I'm getting at?
Well, that's about it I guess.
I'll make it a habit to post a review--a short one for every manga that I read so I could look back and see how much I've been reading and what I've been reading this whole time. I'll also occasionally post some reviews of past mangas that I read since I really want to track those down because sometimes I just start reading this interesting manga and I would say, "Hey! I've already read this!" See what I'm getting at?
Well, that's about it I guess.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Surprisingly deep anime - Hanasakeru Seishonen

I have been following this anime, Hanasakeru Seishonen, right from when it started. It got me really hooked into it and now it is actually turning out to be a very good one.
It is an anime about a certain heiress named Kajika Burnworth who was made to play this husband-hunting game by his father. Kajika has to choose from 3 unique and wealthy bishoune-- but there's actually a fourth guy involved but he's not really initially part of the game. You got that right--a love pentagon.
Reading this overview would get you to think its another romantic comedy anime series but you're gravely mistaken. There's a lot more in store for you and there's only little room for laughter. Although you could say that it would get you giggling but its not like those other shoujo anime that would make you laugh so hard that you could cry.
This anime has a political theme in it and has a lot of conspiracy as well. There are huge twists in the story that would get you wanting to know what happens in the next episode. This anime does center on the romance between Kajika and each of the guys involved. The anime is progressing well and you would see how important Kajika's decision is.
The anime has a lot of bishounen in it. Girls can definitely feast their eyes on all 4 guys. It just so happens that Kajika is not that pretty but she somehow has this unique charm in her that draws these 4 guys to her. Well, others just say that she's a flirt. Yeah, I know, you could say she is. She is quite selfish and naive too. In reality, girls somehow are like that. Each character has their own story and you could see how each differs from each other. They have different personalities and beliefs that I myself can't choose whom I want Kajika to pick but everyone knows that it would be her childhood friend since they have pictures together in both the opening and ending songs of the anime. Too bad that we could somehow picture how it ends but as they say it's the struggle that is important--the journey.
The seiyuus are good as well. We also get to hear Jun Fukuyama(FYI: Lelouche's seiyuu) as one of the husband candidates. The soundtrack is also great. I love the music backgrounds when it gets to a good part. The opening and ending songs are both performed by J-min. I have come to love the ending song. You've got to hear it. It's a good find.
Art: 9.5 /10
Plot: 9/10
Actors: 9.2/10
Music: 9/10
Overall: 9.2 / 10
Friday, October 9, 2009
rolling over with the humor! -- NYAN KOI !

Well, I`ve just gone through on one of my daily routines which is checking at animeseason on new subbed episodes of new or ongoing anime. Here, I got to watch this very funny anime--Nyan Koi! I never really cared to watch this anime but then I got bored and tried to watch it. Although I did browse on this manga at mangafox when it gets updated and has very good ratings so I just decided to watch it. I read the synopsis and it was interesting enough. The genre of this anime also got me maybe because of ToraDora. I just wanted to see another shoujo comedy anime.
So there I was, waiting for the Veoh player to load at least 5 mins before i`ll start watching it. To start off, the anime which hasn`t been running for more than 2 mins already got me laughing so hard!!!
Now, I`ve got another anime to look forward to every week. :-)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Heart-wrenching drama -- Byousoku 5 Centimeter per Second

This anime movie will make you think on a lot of things after seeing it especially for those people who are in relationships...
Just brace yourself for a lot of spoilers on this review though...
First of all, we see Takaki and Akari together as kids watching the cherry blossoms fall -- talking about how they fall with a speed of 5 centimeter per second. They wanted to watch the cherry blossoms fall the next year but it never happened because Takaki had to move (this is a very essential part in understanding the last part of the movie). Both of them were very close that made a lot of classmates tease on their relationship but it didn't affect their friendship though. They kept on communicating through letters. After a year or so, they agreed to see each other again and a lot of unfortunate events happened to Takaki that delayed him from the agreed time to see Akari. He was already expecting that Akari won't be there any longer but, surprisingly, she was still waiting at the agreed station. They talked and spent the whole cold and snowy night together. They shared a kiss on that night that changed a lot of things between them but they weren't able to say to each other about their feelings. Each had letters to give to the other but neither gave it. After that night, they tried to still keep in touch and as years passed it slowly faded.
Takaki always held on to his memories of Akari and tried to go on with life. He experienced having other women in his life but he never forgot about Akari and his feelings for her. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Akari has moved on and we see her about to get married but she still think of Takaki sometimes. Akari and Takaki made those memories precious to their lives but there's nothing more to it than just memories and, unconsciously, they thought that all they would like to do one more time is to see the cherry blossoms fall again which they never had the chance to do.
*My thought on this movi

In this movie, we get to see a pair of people who thought of a lot of "what-ifs" in their lives which is a bad thing especially on Takaki. We witness how he was just living life as it is and hanging on to those memories of him and Akari when they were still young. As years passed, it finally took a toll on him and he just gave up on everything. He never really moved on which is so sad because we see Akari who has moved on and was already engaged. Akari just smiles when she thinks of her childhood memories with Takaki which was opposite with what happened in Takaki's life. Somehow, the story ended with them getting the chance to see the cherry blossoms fall again which never happened. We see the effects of long distance relationships as well. This movie really squeezed my heart because it got me things that a lot of things could've happened in the movie. Well, it turned to the worst part. We can't deny that things like these do happen in reality and somehow we should just look at our past and smile because there's nothing else we can do about it.
I love this movie because it's really rare to see an anime with this kind of theme. You get to understand Takaki when you hear movie's theme song "One more time, one more chance" by Yamazaki Masayoshi. The main part in the movie was when this song played along with scenes that happened in each of Takaki's and Akari's lives from the very start of the movie until the end which I'm gonna post down there. I love this song so much. Here's the lyrics and its english translation.
kore ijyou nani wo ushinaeba kokoro wa yurusareru no
dore hodo no itaminaraba mou ichido kimi ni aeru
One more time kisetsuyo utsurowanaide
One more time fuzakeatta jikan yo
kuichigau toki wa itsumo boku ga saki ni oretane
wagamama na seikaku ga naosara itoshikusaseta
One more chance kioku ni ashi wo torarete
One more chance tsugi no basho wo erabenai
itsudemo sagashiteiruyo dokka ni kimi no sugata wo
mukai no HOOMU rojiura no mado
konna toko ni iru hazu mo nai noni
negai wa moshimo kanau nara imasugu kimi no moto e
dekinai koto wa mou nani mo nai
subete kakete dakishimete miseru yo
sabishisa magirasu dake nara dare demo ii hazu na noni
hoshi ga ochisouna yoru dakara jibun wo itsuwarenai
One more time kisetsu yo utsurowanaide
One more time fuzakeatta jikan yo
itsudemo sagashiteiruyo dokka ni kimi no sugata wo
kousaten demo yume no naka demo
konna toko ni iru hazu mo nai noni
kiseki ga moshimo okoru nara ima sugu kimi ni misetai
atarashii asa kore kara no boku
ienakatta "suki" to iu kotoba mo
natsu no omoide ga mawaru
fui ni kieta kodou
itsudemo sagashiteiruyo dokka ni kimi no sugata wo
akegata no machi sakuragi chou de
konna toko ni kuru hazu mo nai noni
negai ga moshimo kanau nara imasugu kimi no moto e
dekinai koto wa mou nani mo nai
subete kakete dakishimete miseru yo
itsudemo sagashiteiruyo dokka ni kimi no kakera wo
tabisaki no mise shinbun no sumi
konna toko ni aru hazu mo nai noni
kiseki ga moshimo okoru nara ima sugu kimi ni misetai
atarashii asa kore kara no boku
ienakatta "suki" to iu kotoba mo
itsudemo sagashiteshimau dokka ni kimi no egao wo
kyuukou machi no fumikiri atari
konna toko ni iru hazu mo nai noni
inochi ga kurikaesu naraba nandomo kimi no moto e
hoshii mono nado mou nani mo nai
kimi no hoka ni taisetsu na mono nado
English translation:
If I lose any more than this, will my heart be forgiven
How much pain before I can see you again
One more time, please don't change the season
One more time to the time when we fool around
When our path cross each other, I am always the first to turn
Making me indulge more in my selfish way
One more chance tripped by memories
One more chance we cannot choose our next place
I am always searching somewhere for you
Opposite of the house, the other side of the alley's window
Even though I know you won't be here
If my wish is to be granted, please bring me to you right now
Betting and embracing everything
To show you there's nothing else I can do
Anybody should be fine if it was just to ease loneliness
Because the stars in the night sky seems like falling, I cant lie to myself
One more time, please dont' change the season
One more time to the time when we fool around
I am always searching somewhere for you
Even at the intersection and dream
Even though I know you won't be here
If miracle was to happen, I want to show it to you right now
A new morning, myself
and the "I love you" which I couldn't say
Summer's memory is revolving
The sudden disappearance of heart beat
I am always searching somewhere for you
At dawn's town, At Sakuragi street
Even though I know you won't come here
If my wish is to be granted, please bring me to you right now
Betting and embracing everything
To show you there's nothing else I can do
I am always searching somewhere for your fragment
At the destination's shop, At the corner of the newspaper
Even though I know you won't be there
If miracle was to happen, I want to show it to you right now
A new morning, myself
And the "I love you" which I couldn't say
I always end up looking somewhere for your smile
At the railway crossing of the fast pace town
Even though I know you won't be here
If life can be repeated, I'll go to you many times over
There's nothing else that I want
Nothing else is more important than you
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