This anime focuses on the tuRblent times that happened in japan when diffeRent gRoups tRy to conqueR teRRitoRies to expand theiR contRol oveR the countRy. Amidst all these things, a numbeR of leadeRs stood out but something thRew eveRything out of balance when nobunaga tRies to take oveR eveRything and now eveRyone decides to take up aRms, united as one, to defeat this demon.
TheRe aRe a lot of confusing things in this anime especially when it comes to the diffeRent histoRical chaRacteRs based on Japans histoRy that aRe involved because Im not familiaR with it but oveRall it was a gReat watch! The anime was jam-packed with action although the action scenes weRe too much, if you ask me, but it doesnt change the fact that it was Really enjoyable. Im actally looking foRwaRd to its second season this yeaR!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
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